- Add a new encounter if not using a check-in appt.
- Open Packet Navigation from your preferred templates and add the program.
- Click to open the 'Eval of Suicide Risk' (BH) template from Packet Navigation.
Evaluation for Suicide Risk Assessment
- Click on the radio buttons that best fit the 'Reason for Suicide Risk Assessment'.
- Click on the radio buttons that best fit the 'Historical Rick Factors' and enter a comment for each applicable answer and elaborate more in the comment field provided.
- Click on the radio buttons that best fit the 'Clinical Rick Factors' and enter a comment for each applicable answer and elaborate more in the comment field provided.
- Click on the radio buttons that best fit the 'Situational Rick Factors' and enter a comment for each applicable answer and elaborate more in the comment field provided.
- Click on the radio buttons that best fit the 'Protective Factors' and elaborate more in the comment field provided.
- Click on the blue link to open the 'Suicidal/Homicide Risk' window and answer the questions, then click save and close to return to the template.
- Click in the 'Comments' field and enter your comments.
- Click in the fields that best fit the 'Recommendations'.
- Click the 'Place Order button so the information from the recommendations will appear in the grid.
- Click the 'Chart Note' button to generate the document.
- Review document for accuracy.