1. Add a new encounter if not using a check-in appt.
  2. Open Packet Navigation from your preferred templates and add the program. 
  3. Click to open the 'Eval of Suicide Risk' (BH) template from Packet Navigation.


Evaluation for Suicide Risk Assessment 

  1. Click on the radio buttons that best fit the 'Reason for Suicide Risk Assessment'.

  1. Click on the radio buttons that best fit the 'Historical Rick Factors' and enter a comment for each applicable answer and elaborate more in the comment field provided. 

  1. Click on the radio buttons that best fit the 'Clinical Rick Factors' and enter a comment for each applicable answer and elaborate more in the comment field provided. 

  1. Click on the radio buttons that best fit the 'Situational Rick Factors' and enter a comment for each applicable answer and elaborate more in the comment field provided. 

  1. Click on the radio buttons that best fit the 'Protective Factors' and elaborate more in the comment field provided.

  1. Click on the blue link to open the 'Suicidal/Homicide Risk' window and answer the questions, then click save and close to return to the template.

  1. Click in the 'Comments' field and enter your comments. 
  2. Click in the fields that best fit the 'Recommendations'. 
  3. Click the 'Place Order button so the information from the recommendations will appear in the grid. 
  4. Click the 'Chart Note' button to generate the document.
  5. Review document for accuracy.