- Open Packet Navigation from your preferred templates
- Click the 'House' icon (BH) on the left of the Packet Navigation (the Homepage template can also be added as a preferred template).
Medical Chart
- Click on the 'HPI's' link on the left to see which HPI's have been completed for the client.
- Click on the drop-down arrow on the 'Filter by reason for visit' and choose an item from the pick list provided.
- Click the 'clear' button to clear the filter.
- Click on each item on the left and review the information that appears in the grid.
Problem List
*If the grid is empty skip to next panel
- Highlight a 'Problem' in the grid
- Click in the 'Clinical Status' field and choose an item from the pick list provided
- Click in the 'Side' field and choose an item from the pick list provided
- Click in the 'Site' field and choose an item from the pick list provided
- Click in the 'Problem Notes' field and enter comments
- Click the 'Add/Update' button to save your changes
- Click the 'History Review' button on the top of the list to open the 'History Review' window. Click the 'Reviewed, updated' option for each section, click save and close to return to template.
- Click the 'Confidential' link to open the confidential template.
- Click on each item listed on the left of the window and enter information, when finished, click ok to return to template.
- Click on each item on the left to review past history entered in client’s chart.
- Choose one of the items on the left and click the 'Add' button to open that template.
- Enter information in that template and click 'save and close' to return to the template.
- Click the 'Add' button on the bottom of the grid to open the 'Medication Allergy' module.
- Add a check mark to a few allergies listed and click 'save and close' to return to the template
- Click the radio button 'Reviewed, updated' option on the top of the grid
- Click the 'Comment' field and enter a comment in the 'Allergy Comments' field, click 'save and close' to return to the template.
- Click the 'Add/Update' to open the 'Rx Module', close the 'Rx Module' to return to the template.
- Add a check mark to the 'No Medications this encounter.
Vital Signs
- Click each blue link above the 'vital' grid and review the information available.
- Click on each item on the left and review the different types of orders.
- If Applicable: Click to highlight 'Outgoing Call'; click add; add contact type of outgoing call; add name and relationship; click on call reason and select from list; add a comment; save & close template.