- Open Packet Navigation from your preferred templates and add the program.
- Click to open the 'Contact Note' (BH) template from Packet Navigation.
Individuals Present
- Click in the 'Contact Type' field and choose from the pick list provided, click ok.
- Click in the 'Reason for Contact' field and choose from the pick list provided, click ok.
- Click the radio button to select if Individual was present or not, If not present select reason not present
- Click in the 'Others present' field (as if others were present)
- Click in the grid to choose a support resources listed and if there is no one listed in the grid, type the name of a person that might be present.
- Check the box to 'Include Support Resources on Document.
Goals, Objectives, and Interventions Addressed Today
*New Goals and Objections cannot be added or updated from this template, they can only be added or updated in the 'Integrated Service Plan'
- Click in the 'Goal today' field and pick the goal from the pick list provided of any goals that were discussed with the client during this visit.
- Click in the 'comment' field and click add so it appears in the grid.
- Repeat the steps above if there are more then one goal being discussed in this visit.
- Plan/Additional Information/Discussion
- Click in the 'Plan/Additional Information/Discussion' field to add the discussion that took place with client during this visit.
Plan /Additional Information/ Discussion
- Type any information you have for the plan /Additional Information from Discussion here.
- If Applicable: Click to highlight 'Outgoing Call'; click add; add contact type of outgoing call; add name and relationship; click on call reason and select from list; add a comment; save & close template.
- If the client has a diagnosis, you will click the 'Active Diagnosis' link; highlight a diagnosis from the active diagnosis grid; click Add to Grid; click close. If the client does not have a diagnosis you will click on the 'Diagnosis Code Lookup' link and search for the diagnosis, highlight the diagnosis in the list and click select.
- If there is more than one Active Diagnosis in the active diagnosis list add them (if applicable)
- Add 'Status, Severity, Impression and Specifier' (only add information to these sections if it is applicable)
- If the diagnosis in the grid needs to be re-organized - click the sort of button on the bottom to arrange them in the order needed.
- Click on the link 'Interpreter, Cultural, Counseling Details' to open the 'Counseling Details' popup.
- Complete each section that is applicable and click save and close - if nothing needs to be documented you can click cancel to close the window.
- Click on the down arrow next to 'Start Time' and add the time started; select AM or PM; click ok
- Click on the down arrow next to 'End Time' and add the end time; select AM or PM; click ok
- Click in the 'Service Code' box and choose the appropriate service code, click ok
- Click the 'Submit Code' button and if the document does not automatically generate click the generate button.
- Review the document for accuracy