BH Brief Assessment
- Lookup a Patient using the patient icon.
- Click the template icon and open the 'Packet Navigation' template from the list .
- Add the patient’s program to the program field.
- Click to open the 'Brief Assessment' (BH) template from the Packet Navigation.
- Confirm the correct template opened.
- Add a checkmark to the Discussed confidentiality and obtain consent for care.
Click on the History Summary link. A template open. Add information as desired than save and close the popup to return to the template
- Click on the Transitioning into Care link – A will template open. Add information is desired then save and close the popup to return to the template.
- Click in the 'Reason for contact' field and choose the reason from the picklist provide.
- Mark if Individuals is Present
- Click in the 'Contact Type' field and choose the contact type from the picklist
- Click in the field that best fits the patient was present of not present
- Click in the field for 'Others present' and click in the 'Support Resources' section to populate a name in the other present field.
- Click the 'Add' button for support resources and add a new support resource in the popup window that opens. Fill in t the necessary information.
- click save than close
Presenting Concerns
- Write a HPI narrative in the memo field provided - feel free to click on My Phrases and use phrases if you have any created
Substance Use/Addictive Behavior
- Click the 'Substance Use' link and complete the panels in the popup provided including the link for 'Tobacco Usage'. Click save and close to return to the template
Trauma History
- Click in the radio buttons that best fit the trauma history and enter comments regarding the details of the trauma.
Mental Status Evaluation
- Click the 'Mental Status Exam' link to open the mental status popup
- Complete each panel by adding a check mark for the mental status for each section
- Add a Summary of your positive findings in the summary field
- Click 'ok' to return to the template.
- Write a written narrative of the Mental Status in the memo field.
Risk Assessment
- Click the blue 'Suicidal/Homicidal Risk' link and answer the questions then click save & close to return to the template.
- Click the 'Safety Risk' link to open the functional needs popup and enter information for a CN, as evidenced by and yes.
- Click ok to return to the template
- Click the 'Columbia Suicidal Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) link and complete answer the questions in the Columbia Suicidal Severity Rating Scale, click save and close to return to the template.
- ONLY add a check mark to the 'Patient is not currently a danger to self, other or property if the person has no past or current risks. Click add so it appears in the grid below.
- Click in the 'Risk' field and select an item from the picklist provided
- Click 'Current or Past' for this risk
- Click in the 'Event date' field and select a date; add a check mark to the box if the date is approximate
- Answer the remaining questions by clicking yes or no
- In the 'Describe plan/attempt' field add a comment
- Click the add button to add the information to the grid, repeat if there is more then one risk.
- Add a comment to the 'Safety Management Plan' if appropriate
Goal, Objective, and Intervention Information
- Click on the 'Clinical/Functional Needs' link on the right side to open the 'Assessed Needs' popup
- Click on each of the blue links to review the assessed needs previously documented.
- Click close to return to the template
- Click in the field for 'Linked to assessed need'; click on one of the needs listed; click ok
- Click in the 'Goal' field and add the goal
- Click in the 'Objective' field and add the objective
- Click in the 'Current Measure' field and add the current measure
- Click in the 'Desired Measure' field and add the desired measure
- Click in the 'Service description/modality field and choose from the picklist the service that best fits this goal.
- Click in the 'Functional area' field and add a functional area (if applicable)
- Double click in the 'Individuals Strengths' field to open the picklist of the client's individual strengths that were previously added.
- Click in the 'Potential barriers' field, click cancel then add a barrier (f none are available)
- Click in the 'Supports, Resources, etc.' field and add the supports needed for this goal.
- Click in the 'Intervention' field and add an intervention (if applicable)
- Click in the 'Frequency' field and add from the picklist
- Click in the 'Responsible' field and select from the picklist; click ok
- Click in the 'Date of expected accomplishment' field and add a date
- Click the 'Goal Status' as New
- Click 'Add' to add to the grid
- Repeat steps above to create several goals for each assessed need
- Click the filter options to see the goals/objectives for 'Program' (if client is enrolled in more than one program)
- Add a 'check mark' to the Include only active goals on document
- Click on 'Lab/Radiology Order Processing' link template will open. save and close to return to the template
- Click on any of the items on the left to review the orders
- Click on the 'Follow Up' button.
- Click in the 'Plan/additional information' section and type what took place during this session.
- If the client has a diagnosis, you will click the 'Active Diagnosis' link; highlight a diagnosis from the active diagnosis grid; click Add to Grid; click close. If the client does not have a diagnosis you will click on the 'Diagnosis Code Lookup' link and search for the diagnosis, highlight the diagnosis in the list and click select.
- If there is more than one Active Diagnosis in the active diagnosis list add them (if applicable)
- Add 'Status, Severity, Impression and Specifier' (only add information to these sections if it is applicable)
- If the diagnosis in the grid needs to be re-organized - click the sort of button on the bottom to arrange them in the order needed.
- Click on the link 'Interpreter, Cultural, Counseling Details' to open the 'Counseling Details' popup.
- Complete each section that is applicable and click save and close - if nothing needs to be documented you can click cancel to close the window.
- Click on the down arrow next to 'Start Time' and add the time started; select AM or PM; click ok
- Click on the down arrow next to 'End Time' and add the end time; select AM or PM; click ok
- Click in the 'Service Code' box and choose the appropriate service code, click ok
- Click the 'Submit Code' button and if the document does not automatically generate click the generate button.
- Review the document for accuracy