Telehealth visits are conducted when a patient cannot come into the clinic but has the proper device and internet service to have a successful Telehealth visit. 

Medical Provider will document Telehealth visit just as if it was an onsite visit. This is billed as an on-site office visit since this is a face to face visit. Their Physical Exam portion will be limited since they are not physically touching the patient, but this portion must be completed. 

Disclosure is also required in their note as this is a portion that is needed to complete the billing portion. 

Example for documenting in Provider Plan “Visit was conducted as telehealth visit with patient at home while provider was onsite at Alpine/ Campo clinic. There was good connectivity during the visit” (Save to your My Phrases).

OTTOHealth will be used for the video and consenting documentation. Pt will be checked in and checked out once the provider ends their visit. 

See attached workflow.