Referrals Tab
- Click in the 'Referral Date' field and choose the date for the referral from the calendar popup. Click ok.
- Click in the 'Program' field and choose the program from the pick list provided and click ok.
- Click in the 'Type of Referral' field and choose the type of referral from the pick list provided and click ok.
- Click in the 'Referral Source' field and choose from the pick list provided and click ok.
- Click in the 'Appt Timeframe' field and choose the days, months or years of when the appt needs to be scheduled and click ok.
- Click in the 'Services Being Requested' field and choose from the pick list provided then click ok.
- Click in the 'Presenting Issues' field and enter the reason for the referral in the space provided.
- Click in the 'Status' field and choose the status of this referral from the pick list provided and click ok.
- Skip the 'Closure Reason' at this time since this is an open referral.
- Click in the yes or no radio button to answer the question 'Receiving BH Service Elsewhere' and enter comments if appropriate.
- Add a check mark to the field for 'Provider Agency Confirms the Hospital Provided a Treatment Plan' if you did receive one from a hospital, otherwise leave blank.
- Click yes or no for the remaining questions and add comments to the appropriate ones.
- Click the 'Add' button when you have completed the top portion to have this information added to the grid.
Insurance Info Tab
- Click in the 'Health Plan' filed and choose the client's health plan from the pick list provided and click ok.
- Enter all necessary information in each field for this section.
- Click in the 'Ref Date' to choose the referral date from the pick list provided and click ok.
- Click on the 'Add' button to add this information to the grid.
- Scroll back to the top of the window and click on the 'Referral Contact/Appt Scheduling' tab.
Referral Appt Scheduling
- Click in the 'Contact Date' field to choose the date from the calendar popup and click ok.
- Click the drop-down arrow to access the 'Contact Time' popup, enter the time and click ok to return to the template.
- Click in the 'Contact Type' field and choose from the pick list provided, click ok to return to the template.
- Click in the 'Person Contacted' and enter the person's name you spoke to.
- Click yes or no if the contact was successful.
- Click in the 'Ref Date' to choose the referral date for this contact.
- Click in the 'Comments' field to enter any comments regarding this contact.
- Click the Add. You will see the information below.
- Click in the 'Appt Date' field and choose the appointment from the pick list provided and click ok (all the information from the appointment scheduled will appear in the fields)
- *If applicable: The remaining questions will depend on whether the client accepted the appointment given or not. If the remaining questions apply to the appointment, click in each field and choose from the pick list provided.
- Click in the 'Ref Date' to choose the referral date from the pick list provided and click ok
- Click the 'Add' button so the information will appear in the grid
- Click on the 'Incoming Documentation' tab to continue
- Click in the 'Document Name' field and choose the document you received or the one that is missing from the pick list provided and click ok
- Click in the 'Referring Agency' field and choose the referring agency from the pick list provided. If the agencies name is not listed, click cancel and free type the name in the field.
- Click in the 'Received Date' field and choose the date from the calendar popup for the document received. If you did not receive the document then leave this field blank
- *If applicable: click in the expiration date field and choose the expiration date from the calendar popup.
- If the document was complete click the yes radio button, if not click the no radio button
- Click in the 'Comments' field to enter any comments regarding the document received or not received.
- Click in the 'Ref Date' and choose the referral date from the pick list provided.
- Click the 'Add' button so the information will appear in the grid
- Click the 'Save' button on the top of the screen to save your entries and to close the 'Incoming Referral' window.
10. 1-Click the 'yellow' sticky note next to the link for 'Incoming Referral' and choose the correct referral date you just completed to generate the document.