1. Click on the 'Patient Demographic' tab in the 'Patient History'
  2. Double click to open the 'Demographic' (BH) template
  3. Add a checkmark to the 'Special Assistance' field if the client needs special assistance, click in the empty field that appears and choose the assistance needed from the picklist provided

Programs/COT/Treatment Adherence

*If applicable: Click in the 'Level of Care' field and choose a level of care from the picklist provided.

  1. Click the 'Add' button to open the 'Program History' popup.

  1. Click in the 'Program' field and choose the program from the picklist the client will be assigned to.
  2. Click in the 'Location' field and choose the location from the picklist the client will be assigned to.
  3. Click in the 'Provider' field and choose the primary provider for the client from the picklist provided.
  4. Click on the 'Open Date' and choose the date from the calendar popup of when the program was opened.
  5. Click the 'Save' button on the bottom of the window to return to the template

COT Section - *if applicable: Click in the 'MH:' field to enter the client MH number given to them by the courts. Click in the 'COT Type' field and choose the type from the picklist provided. Click in the 'Start Date' field and enter the start date and do the same thing for the 'End Date'. Add a checkmark to the 'Client Currently in COT' field box if the client is currently enrolled. Click the 'add' button to add the information to the below grid.




                *the first three fields are for viewing only

  1. Click the 'View Appointment' button to see all appointments for the client that have been scheduled in the 'PM" (Practice Management) side of NG.  
  2. Click the 'Print Factsheet' button to view the face sheet (you do not have to print the document unless you would like to).

Contact Information

                The 'Contact Information' panel is view only - you will need to click update to open the 'Modify Patient Information' window to make any necessary changes.

Address History

                This panel is to keep the history of the client's addresses as they move if that is something you would like to keep track of.

                Click on the address that is in the grid, so the information appears in the fields above. Click in the 'Start' date field and use the calendar popup to enter the start date of when that address was entered, click in the 'End' date field and choose the calendar popup of when this address was no longer valid; click the 'Update' button so this address will become a historical address for the client. Click on the client’s name in the top left corner to open the 'Modify Patient Information' window and update the client’s address and click ok to return to the template.



  1. Click in the PCP field and if the client’s PCP appears in the picklist, click on their name and click ok. If the PCP does not appear in the picklist click cancel and type the PCP's name in the field provided.
  2. Click in the 'Pharmacy # field and click the 'Pharmacy' name on the left of the 'Modify Patient Information' window.
  3. Click the yellow folder to open the search window for the pharmacy and click new.
  4. Type a few letters in the 'Name' field and click 'Find', a list of pharmacies will appear. Click on the one needed and click ok.
  5. Repeat the above steps for the pharmacy if you would like to add another. Click ok on the 'Modify Patient Information' window to return to the previous template.

Patient/Provider Relationship

  1. Click the 'add' button to open the 'Provider's Role in Patient Care' popup
  2. Click in the 'Last Name' field to open the 'Master list of providers', click on the name providers name and click ok.
  3. Click in the 'Program' field and choose the program from the picklist provided and click ok
  4. Click in the 'Role' field and choose the providers role from the picklist provided and click ok
  5. Click in the 'Effective Date' field and choose the effective date from the calendar popup.


Emergency Contact/Patient Relationship/Support Resources     

This panel is used to add an emergency contact and any outside support resources for the client. Emergency Contacts for the client can be added in the 'Modify Patient Information' window or from this panel.

  1. Click the 'add' button under the first grid to open the 'Modify Patient Information' window, click 'Relations/Role' on the left of the window.
  2. Click the 'Norton' button on the left of the 'Support Role' section and click 'New'. Add the person's last name, first name, click on the drop-down arrow and choose from the picklist provided for 'Relationship and Support Role'. Click ok on both popups to return to the template when finished.


  1. Click on Generate document.