All new Providers, Therapist, or any user seeing patients or clients for Virtual Visits will need account set up.
To add a new user:
Create new case in Success Communities
*Virtual Visits
*Subject Add new user (P
*Attach completed "Virtual Visit User Enrollment" (See attached form)
*Ticket will be updated once email is sent to new user
*Once email is sent the link will expire after 7 days
Once email received, assist user with setting up account
*Review account settings
*Remove email notifications for scheduled appointments
*Remove email notifications for cancelled appointments
*Add provider picture to account. Submit ticket to IT to email picture used for badge.
*Save OTTO link to favorites
To Deactivate a user:
Create a new case in Success Communities
*Virtual Visits
*Subject - Deactivate user
*In comments section add users first and last name, inform they are no longer employed with SIHC. Request updated active user list and update here.
*Ticket will be updated once information is updated
Information for providers:
*Email video link that they can use for training materials*t85B3K4qAEi
*Send below workflows to new users.
Video Ready review with Provider / Therapist (See attachment for Provider and BH Video ready)
*Train new provider using NextGen Workflows located in NextGen workflows.
OTTOHealth Troubleshooting Connection Guide
*Use to assist patients connecting their devices if issues arise.
ACTIVE LIST as of 07-27-2022
Total of 22 active users, and 4 unused licenses.
SIHC has a total of 26 licenses